11 Spanish cities to visit

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Of course, you must have seen Barcelona and Madrid at some point in your life, that goes without saying. But if you have a little more time on your hands, we recommend that you also visit the smaller towns that make Spain the real Spain. These places are as lively and authentic as their big brothers, brimming with tradition, and you'll discover the Spanish art de vivre and joie de vivre in every square. So get off the beaten track and discover a different Spain!

Whether you'd like to visit these cities as a stopover or spend a few nights, you can do both. Are you very adventurous and have been thrifty on vacation? Then consider a road trip with each city as a stopover. Imagine being able to say after your trip that you've discovered the real Spain in all its fragrances, colors and flavors.
From a hilltop village in Majorca to a port town wedged between a boat-filled bay and craggy mountain peaks, here are 11 small towns in Spain that deserve a place on your bucket list!

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